With 20 workstations, Laval Hino is one of the largest full-service Hino dealers in Canada. Its service excellence has earned the Award of Excellence from 2016 to today. Its factory-trained technicians provide unparalleled diagnostic, repair and maintenance service for all your Hino vehicles. Now Cummins trained, our technicians are able to offer the best expertise to all our customers for any type of truck.

Commando 3.0 system
Commando 3.0 is a state-of-the-art technology offering the ultimate protection for your Hino vehicle. Specifically designed to help protect the DPR emission system by using custom programmed vibration and impact sensors. The sensors detect the slightest impact along the entire length of the chassis and the slightest vibration in and around the DPR.
Whether it’s a single blow or the vibration of a saw cutting, the alarm will sound.
Our team at your service
Jonathan Pilon
Jacquelin Milliard
Gabriel Noth
Frédérik Boire
Anthony Pisano
Alexandre Beaulieu
Mikael Maillé
Service advisor
Maxime Maillé
Service and parts manager
Marc-Antoine Bélanger
Warranty and marketing manager
Ready to make an appointment?